Old Realm



The Old Realm refers to the ancient, semi-mythical history of Caldora before the establishment of recorded epochs. This era, shrouded in ambiguity and legend, serves as the foundation upon which all epochs were built. Events and figures from the Old Realm are often romanticized, with accounts varying widely between oral traditions, surviving texts, and archaeological remnants. Though not always officially played out, this era influences the cultural and ideological framework of modern factions, providing context for the rise of figures such as Thomas Ehrveil.

Significance in Modern Canon

The Old Realm is frequently referenced in myths, proverbs, and ceremonial practices. Its historical figures are seen as archetypes for modern leaders, while its conflicts provide lessons in diplomacy, governance, and warfare. In the Ehrengard Empire for example, the Old Realm is celebrated as the birthplace of the Ehrveillian Dynasty and the ideals of unity and dominion that guide its governance.