Zatrian National Republic
The Zatrian National Republic, commonly referred to as the ZNR, was a sovereign nation known for its militaristic culture, disciplined governance, and emphasis on self-reliance. The Republic emerged as a regional power early during Landfall-530 - Noble Blood, characterized by its strict adherence to order and resistance to outside influence.
Role in Epochs
- Landfall-230 - The Great Dominion: The ZNR was a significant player during the Dominion’s height, often clashing with neighboring states, including the Ehrengard Empire, over territorial and ideological disputes.
Major Events
- ZNR-Ehrengard Conflict: A prolonged conflict with Ehrengard culminated in the defection of key military assets and territories to the Empire, notably Varenholde, under the leadership of Avery R. Ehrveil (disguised as Avery Rosendahl).
Key Features
- Military Discipline: The ZNR prioritized the development of a powerful military, with citizens often conscripted into service.
- Governance: The Republic was a single-party socialist state, with decisions made by Dominikana.
- Integration into Ehrengard: Following Avery's defection, the ZNR was peacefully absorbed into the Ehrengard Empire, its former territories now serving as key regions like Varenholde.