CTC Tower



The CTC Tower, or Crazy Town Capitol Tower, was a contentious structure erected shortly after the assassination of Emperor Kieran Ehrveil during the Luminara Festival. Built provocatively on the border of New Terranova and directly behind Dominion Hall, the tower became a symbol of defiance against Ehrengardian sovereignty. Its looming presence over the Imperial seat was widely regarded as a direct provocation from the CTC, led by Willy Luditus, the same man responsible for the Emperor's death.

Design and Controversy

The tower’s design, featuring an enormous “CTC” insignia, was both simple and inflammatory. Elevated to dominate the skyline, it cast a shadow over Dominion Hall, sending a clear message of opposition. The Ehrengardian government declared it a matter of national security, citing the tower’s proximity to the Imperial family’s residence and its potential as a rallying point for dissent.

Diplomatic attempts to have the tower removed peacefully failed as Luditus issued a series of unreasonable demands. The situation escalated, further stoking tensions between Willy Luditus and the Ehrengard Empire.

Demolition of the CTC Tower

Porter Ehrveil, Secretary of Defense and brother to the late Emperor Kieran Ehrveil, ultimately ended the standoff with decisive action. Still grieving Kieran’s assassination, Porter utilized the ceremonial defense cannon from the Luminara Festival, which had not yet been decommissioned. In a fit of fury, he unleashed a relentless volley of cannon fire, systematically reducing the CTC Tower to rubble. Witnesses from Ehrengard and allied states described the scene as both cathartic and haunting, with Porter personally loading each shot, his resolve unshaken.


The demolition of the CTC Tower was hailed as a critical moment of Ehrengardian strength, sending a clear message that provocations would not be tolerated. Porter’s actions, while seen by some as emotionally driven, reinforced his reputation as a fiercely loyal defender of the Empire.

