Establishing Nations

Establishing a nation in Landfall SMP is an exciting opportunity to contribute to the server's evolving lore and political landscape. This process applies exclusively to nations, tribes, or other sovereign groups seeking recognition within the canon. Companies, unions, organizations, or similar entities are exempt and must adhere to the laws of the jurisdiction in which they operate. These groups do not require official documentation to be submitted for approval.

1. Create a Unique Nation Identity

  1. Use In-Game Usernames
    • Refer to Heads of State and members by their in-game character names. Discord usernames may be added in parentheses for clarity.
  2. Choose a Nation Name and Color
    • Select a name that reflects your nation’s culture, values, or history.
    • Choose a distinct color to symbolize your nation on maps, in flags, and in diplomatic interactions.
  3. Select a Nation Code (2 Characters)
    • Choose a unique 2-character code (e.g., “EG” for Ehrengard Empire). Codes longer than 2 characters may be truncated.
  1. Establish Your Nation’s Laws and Governance
    • Create a publicly accessible file or folder outlining your nation’s laws, constitution, and governance structure.
    • Host the document on platforms like Google Drive, Notion, or any other accessible repository.
  2. Submit Legal Documentation
    • Include a link to your legal documents when announcing your nation.
    • Nations lacking legal documents are considered anarchic, allowing anyone to claim leadership or make decisions on their behalf.

3. Announce Your Nation

Once your nation is ready, introduce it in the designated Discord channel using the following format:

**Nation Name -** [Nation Name] 
**Nation Color -** [Color] 
**Nation Code (2 Chars) -** [Code] 
**Head(s) of State -** [In-game Username(s)] 

**Attach any legal documents to have them considered.**

4. Update Heads of State as Needed

  1. Keep Leadership Current
    • Edit your original post whenever leadership changes occur to ensure seamless diplomacy and communication.
  2. Optional Nation Members Section
    • Maintaining a list of nation members is encouraged but not required.